Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Buh Bye Moring (Noon & Night) Sickness!

This week marks my 13th week and the second trimester is in sight!  It seems like my "all day" sickness has hit the road and I am finally feeling like my happy, hungry self :-)  I believe a huge part of my recovery was a change in environment.  I had the pleasure of teaching yoga at a 9 day retreat in beautiful Montego Bay, Jamaica.

I must admit I was a little concerned when I saw my travel plans and the proposed schedule of activities.  There were very long layovers both going and coming back and the days promised to be fun, but longer than I was used to in my “delicate” state.  The night before travel was spent with my head buried in trusty ole “Mr. Bucket” and my partner loving rubbing my back as he wondered if I was up for the trip.

Determined to escape the cold and get some face time with the warm Jamaican sun I set the intention that the trip would be one of healing and that morning sickness would exit immediately stage left!  After the 3 am drive to Dulles International, 4 ½ hour layover in Miami and 2 hour wait in the line at customs I found myself at my final destination in just 10 short minutes.

The Villa was breathtaking and the staff was so very kind.  Once I told them that I was expecting a little blessing the extra special treatment began!  I was given coconut water and fresh fruits to quench my thirst and hunger.  Prior to arriving I wouldn’t touch coconut water or exotic fruits with a ten foot pole (for fear of having another conversation with “Mr. Bucket” shortly after) but there was something about the atmosphere that made me confident that this food was staying down, and it did!

After a few hours had passed (and a very hearty meal) I was pleasantly surprised that I didn’t feel the least bit nauseous.  The fresh air and the warm sun gave me energy that I hadn’t experienced in several weeks.  I wanted to bottle this feeling and take it back with me.  Though our days were very long and I often didn’t get the chance to sneak in my daily nap I didn’t feel worn out.  I taught yoga in the early mornings, explored Qi Gong during the afternoons and other energy practices during the evenings.

I felt so wonderful (honestly better than I had in a long time – pre-pregnancy) that it made wonder if I had mentally made my morning sickness more than it should have been.  I recalled spending a lot of time lying in my bed feeling sorry for myself and wondering if I could make it through the next several months.  Now away from my comfy cozy bed and sympathetic loved ones I realized that I could have felt a lot better, much sooner.

Lesson learned, and very appreciated, I hit U.S. soil with a renewed spirit.  I vowed that I would enjoy the rest of my blessed pregnancy journey and nothing would hold me down.  I’ve incorporated more stage appropriate physical activity into my schedule and when that “old familiar feeling” calls I breathe through it and keep it moving J

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