Monday, May 9, 2011

Gas... Not just for cars and cooking

This week marks my 24th week of pregnancy and a few weeks ago my partner and I found out that we are having a boy!  We’ve decided to name the little bambino Henry Michael in honor my dear father who has 4 daughters and granddaughter.  So here’s to you dad for maintaining your sanity during all of the years of hormonal fits J

Now for those reading and may be sensitive to TMI (toooo much information) I suggest you stop reading now.  Thank you for coming by and please check back next week for our regularly scheduled program (I’ll be on a weekly posting schedule until the end of my pregnancy!).

Ok… so now on to business.  I’ve been noticing an embarrassing side-effect of pregnancy that seems to come and go… and go and come.  I am experiencing room clearing (more like house clearing) bouts of gas that seems to strike at the most inopportune times… in the midst of me teaching a yoga class, during cuddle time at night with my partner, you name it.

Now I know gas happens and I have experienced my share pre-pregnancy due to my love of everything green and leafy, but for some reason it’s different now.  First off it is constant and extremely painful, especially if I try to squeeze and hold for dear life (ladies, you know what I am talking about!).  The pain was so bad initially I thought that I was having contractions and feared something may be wrong with the baby.  Once I began to move around things loosened up and pressure was soon released to the dismay of anyone within 10 feet of me.  But the sound effects isn’t even the worse part… it’s the smell..  To say it is reminiscent of a garbage dump is an understatement, lol.  The first time it hit me I looked around in disbelief, did that REALLY come out of me????

So I hit the internet searching for a resolution or at the very least someone else to commiserate with.  Lo and behold I was not alone!  Many other expectant mothers were experiencing the same thing!!!  Though there were many explanations as to why it was happening I couldn’t find any suggestions on preventing it. 

After spending what seemed like hours reading various message boards and blogs I came to the realization that this was something that I was just going to have to accept.  I reminded myself that I’m helping to create another life and that my minor discomforts and embarrassments during this blessed pregnancy are well worth it. 

Happy belated Mother’s Day to all my mommies, mommies to be and mommies in spirit.  I hope you had a relaxing day!