Thursday, February 3, 2011

Chi-Chi-Chi Chia Pet!

So the morning sickness is continuing to get better and I’m feeling more and more like myself with each passing day.  When it was bad (on any given day) the most I could promise is that my teeth were brushed and I was cleanJ.  I didn’t have the energy to be cold styling from head to toe and just made sure that I wasn’t offensive to my loved ones stopping by to check on me.

After my sickness started to subside and I had more good days than bad I began to get back into my personal grooming.  I was pleasantly surprised that my hair had a beautiful sheen to it and had grown close to an inch longer.  I then started to tackle my eyebrows, which at that point resembled someone kin to Oscar the Grouch sans the unibrow.  Since the hair on my head was growing so fast I shouldn’t have been surprised at growth in places less “thrilling.”  It seemed as if I spent hours tackling my mustache (thanks Dad... NOT!) and the excess hair on my legs and belly.

A few days passed and as I was brushing my teeth I noticed the unmistakable shadow growing under my nose – again!  There was no way that I needed to groom again so soon, what the heck?  Doing a head to toe inspection I found that yes, it was time to pull out the tweezers yet again.  I thought I would at least have two weeks to relax as I painstakingly tweezed each and every hair from the root.

Always one to accept the things I have no control over I've resolved to accept my hair growth (in both wanted and unwanted places) as I continue this journey AND leave the hair removal up to the professionals!