Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Naptime - Not Just for Kids :-)

I love staying blissfully busy and find it hard to sit still for long periods of time.  From teaching yoga to running around with my daughter I love to keep moving.  But for the past few weeks it has been a struggle staying awake and I spend more time in deep conversation with the inside of my eyelids than I care to admit.

I'd start my day bright and early with a list of things in mind to accomplish and by mid morning I'd start losing steam and moving in slow motion.  And truth be told I began writing this entry yesterday and kept nodding off at the computer and gave up finally.  The more I tried to fight the feeling of fatigue the stronger it got.  In my state of tired delusion all sorts of thoughts ran through my head.  Was I just being lazy?  Was this all in my mind?   Was I using my pregnancy as an excuse to take a break from my responsibilities?  My emotions started to swirl and left me, as usual, in a fit of tears. 

After a nice long nap I woke up feeling refreshed and emotionally balanced.  I reminded myself that for the next several months my body was not mine alone, it was being shared with a beautiful life that needed me to be as healthy and happy as I could, despite the physical changes along the way.  Instead of seeing my need for naps as a negative thing I now saw it as a gift, an opportunity to recharge the battery.

Pregnant or not, we should all listen to the messages that our bodies send.   As much as you work, make sure you are staying in balance by resting.

1 comment:

  1. I agree! We all need a well rested body to ensure we are functional. I'm so happy for you :-).
