Monday, May 9, 2011

Gas... Not just for cars and cooking

This week marks my 24th week of pregnancy and a few weeks ago my partner and I found out that we are having a boy!  We’ve decided to name the little bambino Henry Michael in honor my dear father who has 4 daughters and granddaughter.  So here’s to you dad for maintaining your sanity during all of the years of hormonal fits J

Now for those reading and may be sensitive to TMI (toooo much information) I suggest you stop reading now.  Thank you for coming by and please check back next week for our regularly scheduled program (I’ll be on a weekly posting schedule until the end of my pregnancy!).

Ok… so now on to business.  I’ve been noticing an embarrassing side-effect of pregnancy that seems to come and go… and go and come.  I am experiencing room clearing (more like house clearing) bouts of gas that seems to strike at the most inopportune times… in the midst of me teaching a yoga class, during cuddle time at night with my partner, you name it.

Now I know gas happens and I have experienced my share pre-pregnancy due to my love of everything green and leafy, but for some reason it’s different now.  First off it is constant and extremely painful, especially if I try to squeeze and hold for dear life (ladies, you know what I am talking about!).  The pain was so bad initially I thought that I was having contractions and feared something may be wrong with the baby.  Once I began to move around things loosened up and pressure was soon released to the dismay of anyone within 10 feet of me.  But the sound effects isn’t even the worse part… it’s the smell..  To say it is reminiscent of a garbage dump is an understatement, lol.  The first time it hit me I looked around in disbelief, did that REALLY come out of me????

So I hit the internet searching for a resolution or at the very least someone else to commiserate with.  Lo and behold I was not alone!  Many other expectant mothers were experiencing the same thing!!!  Though there were many explanations as to why it was happening I couldn’t find any suggestions on preventing it. 

After spending what seemed like hours reading various message boards and blogs I came to the realization that this was something that I was just going to have to accept.  I reminded myself that I’m helping to create another life and that my minor discomforts and embarrassments during this blessed pregnancy are well worth it. 

Happy belated Mother’s Day to all my mommies, mommies to be and mommies in spirit.  I hope you had a relaxing day!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Yes, Just ONE!

It’s been awhile since my last entry and I am happily celebrating the 2nd trimester.  At about 18 weeks I’m feeling alive and am finally I’m starting to see that glow everyone has been talking about.  My energy is on fire, albeit in sudden spurts, and I find myself cleaning and rearranging everything in the house.  My partner didn’t understand my sudden urges to clean and rearrange, he suggested that I rest and save my energy.  I explained to him that I am in the nesting phase and went through it with my daughter.

I’d be in bed nice and relaxed then all of sudden inspiration would hit.  I’d hang new curtains, re-arrange (light) furniture, reorganize cabinets... you name it!  As I sit here writing I’m trying to figure out if it would be safe for me to rip up the carpet in my living room and replace it with hard wood... hmmmmm, probably not!

In addition to nesting I am back on my fitness routine and am getting out more and more.  I’ve had the pleasure of doing some inspirational speaking engagements and have started shooting photos for a yoga pregnancy calendar.  One thing that I am noticing is that people assume that I am much farther along in my pregnancy than I am.  It seems as if my belly appeared overnight and since this is my second child things are much more “relaxed”.  When I break the news that I am just barely into my second trimester I always get the “are you sure it’s just one in there?” question.  After awhile I started to get a little paranoid as I haven’t had my first sonogram yet.  IS it just one baby in there?  Wouldn’t I be a whole lot bigger if I was carrying twins?????

After days of obsessing I finally broke down and called my midwife with my concerns.  A little tickled they assured me that the size of my uterus indicated just one baby and that on my next visit I would be getting a sonogram (yay!).

So now my mind is at ease and I can sit back and enjoy as my body changes so that my little angle can get comfortable as he (yes, I’m claiming it!) grows healthy and strong.  This pregnancy is allowing me to see my body for the beautiful blessing that it is J

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Buh Bye Moring (Noon & Night) Sickness!

This week marks my 13th week and the second trimester is in sight!  It seems like my "all day" sickness has hit the road and I am finally feeling like my happy, hungry self :-)  I believe a huge part of my recovery was a change in environment.  I had the pleasure of teaching yoga at a 9 day retreat in beautiful Montego Bay, Jamaica.

I must admit I was a little concerned when I saw my travel plans and the proposed schedule of activities.  There were very long layovers both going and coming back and the days promised to be fun, but longer than I was used to in my “delicate” state.  The night before travel was spent with my head buried in trusty ole “Mr. Bucket” and my partner loving rubbing my back as he wondered if I was up for the trip.

Determined to escape the cold and get some face time with the warm Jamaican sun I set the intention that the trip would be one of healing and that morning sickness would exit immediately stage left!  After the 3 am drive to Dulles International, 4 ½ hour layover in Miami and 2 hour wait in the line at customs I found myself at my final destination in just 10 short minutes.

The Villa was breathtaking and the staff was so very kind.  Once I told them that I was expecting a little blessing the extra special treatment began!  I was given coconut water and fresh fruits to quench my thirst and hunger.  Prior to arriving I wouldn’t touch coconut water or exotic fruits with a ten foot pole (for fear of having another conversation with “Mr. Bucket” shortly after) but there was something about the atmosphere that made me confident that this food was staying down, and it did!

After a few hours had passed (and a very hearty meal) I was pleasantly surprised that I didn’t feel the least bit nauseous.  The fresh air and the warm sun gave me energy that I hadn’t experienced in several weeks.  I wanted to bottle this feeling and take it back with me.  Though our days were very long and I often didn’t get the chance to sneak in my daily nap I didn’t feel worn out.  I taught yoga in the early mornings, explored Qi Gong during the afternoons and other energy practices during the evenings.

I felt so wonderful (honestly better than I had in a long time – pre-pregnancy) that it made wonder if I had mentally made my morning sickness more than it should have been.  I recalled spending a lot of time lying in my bed feeling sorry for myself and wondering if I could make it through the next several months.  Now away from my comfy cozy bed and sympathetic loved ones I realized that I could have felt a lot better, much sooner.

Lesson learned, and very appreciated, I hit U.S. soil with a renewed spirit.  I vowed that I would enjoy the rest of my blessed pregnancy journey and nothing would hold me down.  I’ve incorporated more stage appropriate physical activity into my schedule and when that “old familiar feeling” calls I breathe through it and keep it moving J

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Chi-Chi-Chi Chia Pet!

So the morning sickness is continuing to get better and I’m feeling more and more like myself with each passing day.  When it was bad (on any given day) the most I could promise is that my teeth were brushed and I was cleanJ.  I didn’t have the energy to be cold styling from head to toe and just made sure that I wasn’t offensive to my loved ones stopping by to check on me.

After my sickness started to subside and I had more good days than bad I began to get back into my personal grooming.  I was pleasantly surprised that my hair had a beautiful sheen to it and had grown close to an inch longer.  I then started to tackle my eyebrows, which at that point resembled someone kin to Oscar the Grouch sans the unibrow.  Since the hair on my head was growing so fast I shouldn’t have been surprised at growth in places less “thrilling.”  It seemed as if I spent hours tackling my mustache (thanks Dad... NOT!) and the excess hair on my legs and belly.

A few days passed and as I was brushing my teeth I noticed the unmistakable shadow growing under my nose – again!  There was no way that I needed to groom again so soon, what the heck?  Doing a head to toe inspection I found that yes, it was time to pull out the tweezers yet again.  I thought I would at least have two weeks to relax as I painstakingly tweezed each and every hair from the root.

Always one to accept the things I have no control over I've resolved to accept my hair growth (in both wanted and unwanted places) as I continue this journey AND leave the hair removal up to the professionals!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Naptime - Not Just for Kids :-)

I love staying blissfully busy and find it hard to sit still for long periods of time.  From teaching yoga to running around with my daughter I love to keep moving.  But for the past few weeks it has been a struggle staying awake and I spend more time in deep conversation with the inside of my eyelids than I care to admit.

I'd start my day bright and early with a list of things in mind to accomplish and by mid morning I'd start losing steam and moving in slow motion.  And truth be told I began writing this entry yesterday and kept nodding off at the computer and gave up finally.  The more I tried to fight the feeling of fatigue the stronger it got.  In my state of tired delusion all sorts of thoughts ran through my head.  Was I just being lazy?  Was this all in my mind?   Was I using my pregnancy as an excuse to take a break from my responsibilities?  My emotions started to swirl and left me, as usual, in a fit of tears. 

After a nice long nap I woke up feeling refreshed and emotionally balanced.  I reminded myself that for the next several months my body was not mine alone, it was being shared with a beautiful life that needed me to be as healthy and happy as I could, despite the physical changes along the way.  Instead of seeing my need for naps as a negative thing I now saw it as a gift, an opportunity to recharge the battery.

Pregnant or not, we should all listen to the messages that our bodies send.   As much as you work, make sure you are staying in balance by resting.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Morning (Afternoon & Night) Sickness Blues

Who coined the term morning sickness anyway???  For those of us that make several trips to the bathroom a day (or have the displeasure of dry heaving on the side of the road) know otherwise.  The tummy topsy turvies can hit at any time of day and the slightest thing can trigger an episode.  I've been "praying to the porcelain god" for about 4 weeks now and boy am I over this emotion :-)

I had horrible morning sickness with my daughter but a lot of it was due to the stress I was experiencing in my life at the time.  I also had stomach issues prior to getting pregnant.  My episodes were very predictable.  The alarm clock would go off at 6 am; I'd fight with the snooze button until 6:30 am and then five minutes later at 6:35 am all hell would break loose.  I'd spend no less than 15 minutes trying to seek some relief while the radio played in the background.  The same songs would be playing every morning while I was getting sick (each day I made a mental note to contact the radio station about this foolishness).  Now because of this I have a list of "morning sickness songs" that I can't listen to without getting ill to this day pregnant or not!

This time around the radio is off and the only sounds are of me crying into the toilet.  Luckily I'm close to the home front when disaster hits but have had several occasions where I had to use a plastic bag in public or deface a sidewalk or two.  As people looked at me with a mixture of curiosity, concern and sometimes disgust (did she start happy hour too early???) I always managed to protest "I am pregnant, not contagious or hung-over!"  All eyes turned sympathetic and I would get a remedy suggestion or two on how to cope.

On the brighter side, things are getting progressively better and I can at least hold down some food and water.  I've also been told that morning sickness is a good sign that all is well and on track with the baby.  I had my first doctor's visit last week and the doctor said that I was severely dehydrated and needed to rest (easier said than done!) for a week or so.  She blessed me with a homeopathic remedy before I left and suggested that I pickup some pulsatilla from the local health food store to help with the nausea.  Though it takes a little time to work it has definitely helped.

Regardless of the changes and challenges I'm truly enjoying this experience!  Motherhood is a blessing and all these things prepare us for the road ahead :-) 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Perfect Ending

2010 was a wonderful, exciting and totally unexpected year for me.  My life went through many necessary and positive changes and it seemed as if everything was happening at warp speed.  In October I began to plot my plan of attack for a more successful 2011.  My daughter was turning 9 years old in January and I found myself reflecting on the joys of motherhood.  It was a journey of laughing, learning and growth for us both.  I was a very different person when I was pregnant with her and I accepted a whole lot of stress into my life at the time.

I often thought that it would be nice to have another child.  Around Thanksgiving I told a friend it would have been nice to get pregnant this year so that I could avoid the (gasp) "35 and over pregnancy speeches."  Supposedly in just the span of a year (34 to 35) a woman goes from being young and healthy to suddenly "higher risk."   Instead of easy in and out prenatal visits we are offered a slew of optional testing... just in case.  At 34 I felt happier and healthier than I did at 21 and didn't buy into the hype.  My biggest hesitation was that I was a year into a wonderful relationship and prior to that I had ended a 7 year marriage... so some definite downtime was needed! 

As a strong believer in the Law of Attraction I should have known that "wishful thinking" will get your wishes answered if you focus on it in a positive way.  About a week and a half before Christmas I got a funny feeling that I was pregnant.  My cycle wasn't due until after Christmas but I just had a strong sense that I was.  I took two tests within the span of a week and both read negative but I still didn't believe it.  My partner advised me to relax and just wait to see if I missed my cycle.  He didn't think that it could be that easy to get pregnant as he had friends that tried for at least a year before they were successful.  I smiled sweetly at him and reminded him that my instincts were never wrong.  I did agree to do only one more test and if it was negative I would just wait to see what happened the following week.

On Christmas morning my daughter woke me up at the crack of dawn ready to rip into her gifts.  Before going downstairs I decided to take the test, put it under the sink and forget about it for awhile.  I wasn't going to run back upstairs in the 5 minutes it took to get the results.  I'd just be easy and get to it when the morning festivities were over.  About 45 minutes later I made my way back to the bathroom and retrieved the test.  At first glance it looked like just one line and I had resolved to wait.  Then as I was about to toss it in the trash I saw that there was a definite (albeit faint) second line on the test.  Was this a second line???  YES!

Then reality hit and my excitement went to shear fear.... OMG, I'm really pregnant again.  I mean, I knew I was or rather I felt I was but I'm not ready!  I wrapped the test up and later in the day presented it to my partner.  He could not believe it and was amazed, excited and grateful for the special gift.  His support helped me get through the day and I reminded myself that I had 40 weeks to prepare mentally and emotionally for the new arrival.  I was in such a good place in my life and had great support. 

This was one of the best presents that I ever received and I can't wait to journal my experiences.  For those who are expecting I pray this blog offers you with support, for those trying I pray it offers you support and for those who are tasked with loving children as their own I pray you find encouragement.

~ Love and light today and always...